Sunday, July 14, 2024


 by Phillip Starr

The vast majority of martial arts practitioners in the West practice only part-time. You say that it isn't possible to practice full-time? Well, let me explain what I mean...

Following the path of the martial arts is more than attending class twice a week and learning a few techniques, memorizing a few forms, and doing training routines with a partner. It is seeking the “Way” of martial arts...the same Way that is sought by practitioners of numerous other arts such as ikebana (flower arranging), shodo (brushing calligraphy), chado (tea ceremony), and others. Their paths may be a bit different than ours but they lead to the same place. And there's much more to all of them than what is seen on the surface.

The physical practice of a given art is only part of what it means to seek the Way. One's life must be directed towards that goal. This doesn't necessarily mean that you need the change your occupation or anything of that sort; but you will see it in a different light. The same is true for virtually every aspect of your life. The art that you practice opens the door to the Way but isn't something that can be sought only for an hour or two twice a week. It has to be a full-time endeavor.

To do this requires the guidance of a good teacher who is himself seeking the Way. Reading about it doesn't cut it; you need the hand of one who has gone before. Thus, the meaning of “sensei” (“one who has gone before”).

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