Thursday, July 18, 2024


 By Phillip Starr

My teacher, Master Chen, often used to teach me the fine points of swordsmanship as we sparred with wooden swords that he had fashioned by hand. Sparring wasn't done with great speed or power, of course, but I learned a great deal...not only about how to handle my sword, but how it applied to empty-handed techniques as well.

I well remember one important lesson that I learned during one practice. As my teacher and I practiced, I (thought) I saw a chance to strike his wrist (although we never struck with any force). He attacked with a sudden thrust and I parried, then before I had a chance to go for my intended target, he dropped his weapon and rushed towards me! In one step, he closed the distance and peppered me with three blows! I was incredulous!

Shaking his finger at me, he said, “There is more to you than your weapon! Never rely completely on your sword... remember that your body is also a weapon. Don't forget that you can use it! After all, you are not fighting his sword. You are fighting HIM!

It was a lesson I'd never forget. After that, I'd notice that when we practiced with our wooden weapons, he'd sometimes try to con me into reacting a certain way; a way that would provide him with an opportunity to move in with quick strikes or even leg sweeps. And it usually worked. But although my derriere was often a bit sore or even bruised (along with what little pride I had), I learned.

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