Tuesday, November 5, 2024


 By Phillip Starr

Select any given form and ask yourself, What is it trying to teach me? What particular skill(s) is it trying to develop within me?” It's so much more than a conglomeration of punches, kicks, turns, and so forth. Much more. Each form (or, in the case of system such as taijiquan, each section of the lengthy form) is intended to teach you at least one, and sometimes two or three, very valuable things. To find out what the intended lesson is, you must search diligently...

One easy way to determine (at least a partial) answer is to count the number of techniques and/or movement that are repeated. Which one(s) are performed with the greatest frequency? Be sure to count defensive as well as offensive movements (although oftentimes, what appears to be a defensive movement – such as a particular block – is actually an offensive movement or both defensive and offensive).

How about the footwork/body movement(s) that appear in your form; that is, is there a lot of advancing movements? How about withdrawing movements (stepping backwards) or angular stepping? Which one seems to be emphasized more than the others? Do the forward movements tend to emphasize striking with the forward hand/arm or the rear one?

What stances appear with the greatest frequency? Does the form emphasize striking multiple times when a movement is made, or does it seem to emphasize striking just once? These are all very important factors to determine; the form's creator intended for students of future generations to learn certain things, certain aspects of his art through the practice of each form. It's helpful to determine just what those are.

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