By Phillip Starr
Those who are truly interested in LEARNING (as opposed to simply getting a good “workout”) will spend time outside of class practicing what they've been taught already, studying, digging, reflecting, seeking answers to their questions... Their desire for knowledge is the driving force behind their passion.
They take responsibility for their own learning. They would never presume to drop that weighty load into anyone else's lap. They understand that progress is THEIR burden; it's all up to them. And simply reading and/or philosophizing about it won't bring true progress; constant training and rivers of sweat are critical ingredients. Those whose desire is strong will accept NO EXCUSES for perceived inabilities to learn. Regardless of what “obstacles” they encounter, they'll find a way.
When does it end? It doesn't. But many will find the answers to their questions and/or get out of their chosen discipline what they wanted and then walk away. It's a shame but it's always been that way.
So if you want to learn, it's all up to you; YOUR decision. Yours alone.
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