Saturday, August 24, 2024


 by Phillip Starr

Some of you may know someone who is so deeply involved in his practice of martial arts that that's all he can think or even speak about. He may not hold a worthwhile job for fear that doing so would interefere with his progress. He probably has problems in forming meaningful relationships (if he even attempts to do so) because he feels that he “just doesn't have time” for them. While others are busy at work and/or out to dinner at a nice restaurant with their significant others, he's in the training hall – or more likely at home – hitting the striking post or practicing his forms over and over.

On the other hand is the individual who alleges that he'd like to learn martial arts but just doesn't have the time. He may work very long hours, have many family commitments, a hobby to which he is very devoted...whatever.

Those who want to follow the way of martial arts should first consider if it'll be a “good fit” for them. For those who feel that they just don't have the time, it should be borne in mind that you'll never HAVE enough time; you must MAKE time. If you won't do that, then the martial way isn't for you. It needn't require more than 30 min. of each day and a bit longer for the days that you attend class but there are many who insist that they just don't have that much free time in their day. The translation is that they just aren't willing to make room for practice. If simply making the time is such a burden, I seriously doubt that they'd get very far. Their desire is too small.

Those who spend all or most of their time practicing and struggling to run along the martial path should remember that if you push (yourself) too hard, you miss a lot of the scenery. And the scenery is often a very important aspect of the path; it calms and inspires the spirit. Technical proficiency is but a part of the path. It isn't all there is. Far from it. “Take time to smell the roses” is an apt axiom here.

Fitting your pursuit of the (martial) way into your life so that it fits neatly may require some effort. But it's worth it...if you're willing to do it.

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