Saturday, May 25, 2024


 by Yang Shuangxing

Teaching and learning is a two-way street although many of us tend to sometimes forget about it. Moreover, real learning can only happen if both the teacher and the student accept their responsibilities.

The teacher must know, before class, exactly what he intends to teach. Ideally, he should follow a syllabus. Unfortunately, I've known instructors who would walk into class and ask, “Well, what do you guys want to work on tonight?” Good. Lord. THAT isn't an instructor by a long shot! Ideally, the instructor should arrive before class (never being late) and he should know exactly what the students need to work on. He must have a “map” in his head; knowing where he plans to go with training and how he intends to get everyone there. He must have both short and long-term goals in so far as the progress of the students is concerned.

He/She should be upbeat and encourage students. NEVER discourage or insult them in any way. The instructor must act and perform as he/she wants the students to do. After all, they'll emulate their teacher. And when teaching a student on a one-to-one basis, the teacher must communicate with the student on the student's level. He/She must, at the appropriate times, “nudge” the students to push themselves, sometimes beyond what they perceive as their limits. The “nudging” is never to be harsh or demeaning.

The student's responsibilities include, among other things, showing up for class! Not only that, but the student must come to class with an open mind that is anxious to learn and a determination to do his well as the proper attire. He must strive to develop a strong spirit and “push through” what he perceives as his limitations.

He must pay attention to the instruction he receives and must never, ever argue or question it. And students must faithfully do their “homework”; that is, they must train regularly outside of class and do their best to absorb and digest what they learned in class.

And students must bear in mind that their progress depends on them...not their teachers.

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