Monday, January 22, 2024


 by Phillip Starr

Ask any martial arts instructor how often he or she has been approached by potential students who want to get fit, increase flexibility, lose weight, develop effective self-defense skills, etc. ad nauseum, and I can assure you that the aforementioned instructor won't be able to count the number. And how many of these students actually reach their somewhat intangible goals? I mean, after all, what does "get fit" mean, exactly? What do you mean when you say that you want to increase your flexibility? Do you want to be able to touch your toes or go into the full splits, or what? The fact is that most people who have these kinds of aspirations really don't know exactly what they want; they just have a kind of vague notion.

And how often does a student, who, for instance, wants to increase his or her flexibility say something like, "I just can't get very flexible! I come to class three (or whatever) times every week and go through the stretching exercises before class but I'm just not getting anywhere." This student, without really being aware of it, is laying the responsibility for achieving his/her goals in the instructor's lap. This is not only unfair; it isn't going to work! Your instructor cannot make you lose weight, cannot make you stronger, cannot increase your flexibility, and cannot make you develop self-defense skills.

He/She can show you how to do it but he/she can't possibly do it for you. That part of the equation is strictly up to you.

Consider: the pre-class calisthenics and stretching exercises are a warm up! Your teacher has you begin class with these routines to warm up your muscles and joints so that you are less likely to injure yourself during training...they will NOT increase flexibility, strength, or stamina! Why? Because you don't do them long enough or frequently enough for them have any long-term benefits.

BUT...once you've gone through them enough times you should be able to remember them and then you can practice them at home! And therein lies the key to reaching any of your goals in martial arts - you simply HAVE to practice outside of the training hall. If you don't, you're just spinning your tires.

If you want to lose weight you need to make adjustments to your whole lifestyle - you need to change your diet and eating habits as well as plan out regular (as in daily) workout routines that'll burn fat. Simply attending class won't do it.

If you want to increase your flexibility you need to set up regular stretching workouts to do at home - because you cannot possibly put in enough time in the training hall to reach your goals.

If you want to be a better martial arts practitioner you need to practice regularly at home. Period.

You must take responsibility for yourself; for your progress and achieving your goals. If you have trouble reaching them, there's only one person at whom you can point your finger and say, "It's your fault." And that person is in your bathroom mirror.

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