Friday, November 17, 2023


 by Phillip Starr

Sun-Tzu was a Chinese military generalstrategistphilosopher, and writer who lived during the Eastern Zhou period, 771 to 256 BCE. He is credited with authoring the book, “The Art fo War”; a military class that is now utilized by military forces around the world (it is even studied at academies in the U.S., such as West Point and Annapolis), and even Wall Street!

An important saying from this book is often quoted by martial arts teachers everywhere; “Ig you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious.” However, this is not the full saying; two crucial lines have been forgotten. The full precept tell us:

If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, defeat is inevitable.

If you know only yourself or your enemy, the odds are even.

If you know both yourself and your enemy, you will emerge victorious.”

So what does “knowing the enemy” and “knowing yourself” really mean?

Knowing your enemy means a bit more than simple knowing who he is. It means knowing him in so far as combat is concerned:

  • What is his objective; what is he fighting for?

  • What is his disposition? That is, is he physically, mentally, and spiritually prepared and strong enough to engage you in combat? How determined is he?

  • How far is he willing to go to ensure his victory? What sacrifices will he make? Is he willing to give up his life? What price is he willing to pay?

  • What particularly vulnerable spots can you see in his posture?

  • What tactics is known to use? Does he use them effectively? Are there any flaws in them?

  • How well-seasoned is he? Has he done this before? If he was victorious, how did he achieve it? Did he exhibit any weaknesses/flaws?

  • What are his strongest areas of expertise?

  • What weapons does he possess? Which ones does he rely on the most? Are they adequate?

  • How powerful are these weapons?

  • How far can these weapons reach out and strike you? What is their range?

  • What are his biggest weaknesses? Not just physical things, but also mental and spiritual.

And you must thoroughly know these same things about yourself. You mustn't What price will he willingly pay?simply shrug and say, “Yeah, I've got it”; you must take time and study each of these items as they apply to you in depth!

Only when you know both yourself (very thoroughly) and your enemy can you hope to emerge victorious.

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