Friday, September 1, 2023


  by Phillip Starr

The late, great, judo master, Gunji Koizumi, was once asked about the "secrets" of his art.  "Little fingers and toes," he replied with a smile.  No doubt, this left the journalist who had asked the question more than a little puzzled, but to me it is a fine example of Koizumi's genius and deep understanding of judo and, in fact, of all martial arts.

     Judo practice begins with both participants grasping each other's jackets and maneuvering for an advantageous position, trying to cause the opponent to lose his balance momentarily or just feeling when he inadvertently places himself in an unstable or vulnerable position. I must note that this so-called “vulnerable position” is not limited to the opponent's physical body, but also to his mind and spirit as well.

     There is often some maneuvering for the grip on the jacket itself and this sometimes subtle struggle for one's favored grip is more than just a gross placement of the hands and arms in preparation for a throw.  It is also a placement of the spirit.  The real technique of grasping the jacket is very subtle.

     Modern judo is, in my opinion, not what it used to be.  One of my most senior students has an extensive background in this fine art and often refers to the modern version as "brudo" or "brute-do."  Many contemporary judoists focus on the development of great strength and seek to overpower their opponents with brute force.  They seem to have forgotten that judo's founder, Dr. Jigaro Kano, was a very small man even by the Japanese standards of the time but his skill was truly extraordinary.  Master Koizumi had studied and mastered the art under Kano's instruction.

     Koizumi's reply is easily applicable to any martial art.  The "secrets" are simple but also very subtle and not readily understood by novices.  They are learned through constant training and study of the art.  It isn't enough to simply "go through the moves"; you have to study them in detail.  You must take time to sit, think, and consider. 

     Beginning students start by learning the gross, large movements.  Until these are mastered, they cannot hope to understand the subtleties of the art.  If their teacher has acquired a high level of skill with the more sophisticated aspects of the art students can aspire to learn them as well, although they won't even recognize them for some considerable time.  Rarely are these delicate and subtle aspects taught openly.  Students have to watch closely and they must have a good measure of experience and understanding themselves before they will be able to see these little "extra somethings."  Little fingers and toes.

     There are small, seemingly insignificant details that accompany the teacher's way of punching, striking, and kicking.  It isn't always seen in his striking hand or kicking foot.  Sometimes it's elsewhere.  Sometimes it has to do with angles but even that statement is a gross oversimplification.  In a sword-hand strike, the placement of the finger(s), the angle of the strike, the angle at the point of impact...all of these are things that the beginning student will not notice.  And even if he tries, he will not necessarily see it until he has mastered the basic strike himself.  But I want you to be aware that these little things exist so that you will recognize them when you’re ready.

    Forms lend even more complexity to the situation.  It is important for the student to do his best to imitate the teacher's movements exactly.  When the instructor stamps his foot rather than stepping down normally, there's a reason for it.  Sometimes his steps seems to "glide" and at other times they appear to be quick and lively or heavy. Watch for the tension in the legs as he moves.  The placement of the hand (which is precise even though it may not appear to be), the rhythm in certain segments of the form, the breathing pattern(s) and how they relate to the movement(s); there are many, many little things that you must look for if you aspire to discover the real art and master it.  Little fingers and toes.

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