Thursday, July 20, 2023


 By Phillip Starr

I think most people undertake the study of a given martial art for self-defense but is that the be-all, end-all of martial arts? Is it focused mainly on self-defense? Of course, all of you already know how I'm going to answer that....


Basic self-defense can be learned in a fairly short time. The main thing is to train the mind and spirit so that one has the presence of mind, the confidence, and determination to do whatever must be done. Those things aren't necessarily learned/developed after just a couple of classes but after several weeks or months of rigorous training, they should be. If it's all about self-defense, why do some people continue training for years and even decades?

The key is the last word of the term “martial art.” It is an ART, which is a craft, a special skill that is refined and polished over time. This isn't something that can be accomplished in a few weeks or even years; it can last for a lifetime! It isn't limited in scope to mere self-defense; the ultimate aim is the perfection of character and spirit.

Moreover, it is a tradition and each of us is one of the links in the long chain of that tradition. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, so each individual link must be forged and then tempered for maximum strength.

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