by Phillip Starr
When I
first took up the study of martial arts I believed that the peculiar
forms of punching, striking, and kicking contained some special
force, a kind of "magic" (for want of a better word) that
would enable me to knock the largest adversary flat on his butt. You
have to admit that the forms of punching as they are demonstrated in
the various forms of karate and kung-fu are a little strange and not
at all like the knee-jerk, "natural" form of haymaker that
most people would throw if they were engaged in a scuffle.
convinced that my first teachers believed in that same magic because
they never mentioned things like, "using the whole body as a
fist" or "striking with the force of the entire body."
to say, I found out in pretty short order that the peculiar punches,
strikes, and kicks bestowed no mystical power on me. Being a very
slow learner, I suffered many beatings before I had to admit that
something was amiss. But what? What could be missing? Surely,
there was more to these arts than I could see.
It was my
primary kung-fu teacher, Master W. C. Chen, who opened my eyes. "You
are relying on using your strength," he said. "And you are
too small to exert much strength. You are fast but you have no real
power. You hit only with your arm or leg. A strong enemy can
overcome your technique easily."
And so it
was that I began learning REAL martial art. It began with the
horse-riding stance (ma bu) and then the bow and arrow stance (gong
bu), cat stance (ding bu), and several others. "Strength begins
in the legs," Chen told me. "If your legs are weak you
cannot get (generate) real power. If you cannot stand, you cannot
walk. If you cannot walk, you cannot run. So, first you must learn
to stand. Just stand."

Once my
"foothold" was firm, I learned how to move my body to
generate power. This was done via six forms of body movement (which
are known as the "six body actions" in Yiliquan - and which
have since been expanded to "eight body actions"). So,
Chen first emphasized the foothold. The next step involved learning
basic technique and the third step included learning to apply the
foothold (root) and technique via the six body actions. This was
what Chen called "quan (chuan) shu", which means, "fist
art" and refers to the (outer) form of martial art. It is what
is easily seen, what is often admired by the public, and it is only
the first stage of true skill.
modern martial arts adepts aspire only to learn the "quan shu"
and once they have developed skill in it, they feel that they have
reached the pinnacle of martial prowess. But they are wrong. All
they have done is acquired skill in the outer shell (wai zhuang) of
the art. They have yet to examine the meat of the matter.
Once the
pupil has trained in the wai zhuang to develop quan shu (and this
absolutely MUST be done correctly), he or she is then ready to begin
practicing the nei zhuang (internal power) of the art. It is
presented in stages. In Yiliquan (the art that I teach), students
may, even during the wai zhuang training, begin to learn and practice
some of the nei zhuang gong (special conditioning exercises intended
to strengthen, stretch, and toughen the unseen internal tissues that
are utilized in generating real internal force) and the so-called
"engaging" exercises, in which intrinsic force "inflates"
the internal tissues.
after the internal tissues have been properly conditioned and trained
to "engage" can the student begin to learn the panjaozhang
gong (hand/arm coiling exercises and power) and eventually the
special qipanjao (energy/breath coiling) techniques, which are
practiced in stages:
Standing, Big Frame Coils
Moving, Big Frame Coils
Standing, condense the coils to make them Small Frame Coils
Moving, ditto
through the application of these "coils" can true fajin be
It is my
contention that the original forms of karate, which developed largely
from southern forms of Chinese boxing, contained all of this
information and it is still hidden within some of their kata (forms).
small, unseen tissues (ligaments, fascia, and so forth) not only of
the arms, waist, and legs, but the torso as well, must be properly
employed in the correct sequence and to put this down in writing
would be extremely difficult. Besides, I fear that there would be
those who might try to learn the nei zhuang from such writings and
that is simply impossible.
Even in
my own training hall, it is necessary for students to place their
hands on my body and actually feel what is going on inside as the
coiling technique is applied and fajin is generated. Only then can
they really begin to understand it. Incorrect practice can lead not
only to simple failure; it can result in very real damage to internal
often, students hear about the nei zhuang and get in a hurry to learn
it. This is foolhardy since the development of proper wai zhuang is
essential before moving into the realms of nei zhuang. Nowadays,
there are teachers (including Chinese!) who assure their students
that they can begin the nei zhuang even in the early stages of their
training but be assured that this is intended only to fatten the
purse of the teacher at the risk of injuring or, at the very least,
discouraging the hapless pupil who doesn't understand why he "just
can't get it."
Even in
the "old days", real "kung-fu" (also, "gongfu")
was very rare. It still is.